Tech Bytes

The Power of Security Awareness Training

Written by Kayla Knight | Sep 1, 2023 10:26:17 PM

The Importance of Security Awareness Training


Imagine for a moment you're a cybercriminal. You've got all these flashy hacking tools at your disposal. But instead of attacking the impenetrable fortress of corporate firewalls and encryption algorithms, you target… Steve from accounting. Why? Because Steve, like most of us, might just open that 'too-good-to-be-true' email especially if he’s had a long day.

While advanced security infrastructures are crucial, the human element remains a favored loophole for cyber hacker at work. This is the exact reason Security Awareness Training is crucial for any and all businesses. The best kind of Security Awareness Training includes a mock testing element.  Basically allowing you to become aware of all the "Steves" in your business opening the company up to threats and attacks


Why Security Awareness Training Works

Human Error is real:

Let’s face it. Humans error. Ever forgotten your coffee on your car roof? It's the same principle. Mistakes happen. But with Security Awareness Training, those unintentional lapses—like opening a suspicious link—shrink drastically. Security awareness training allows you to educate your team about the very real threats that can affect anyone with an email address. With educational tools and phishing tests, you can not only educate but send real emails that would mirror potential threats, allowing your team to see it in action.  The best part? You are now aware of who might be under-educated and prevent attacks from happening by observing it firsthand. 

Morphing Threats:

Cyber threats are continually evolving, becoming more realistic and harder to identify. This is why continual Security Awareness Training is so important.  It allows your team to learn about evolving threats and stay hyper-aware of threats as they come in. 

Playing by the Book:

For many sectors, there's no choice. Regulatory compliance demands that businesses keep their workforce informed about cybersecurity. So, it's not just smart – it's mandatory.

Breeding a Cyber-Safe Culture:

Instead of a cybersecurity battle waged solely by your IT teams, imagine an entire workforce educated and dedicated to your security. That’s the power of collective security mindfulness.

Pocket-Friendly Defense:

A pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Training is a fraction of the potential cost of post-cyberattack damages – both in cold hard cash and brand reputation.

Boosting Digital Self-Defense:

Armed with knowledge, employees become their defenders, both in and out of the office. Because cyber attacks can happen anywhere. 

However, sporadic training sessions that are as exciting as watching paint dry won't cut it. We're talking continuous, engaging, role-tailored training that sticks. Let’s not forget real-time mock threats – putting those skills to the test.

Cybersecurity isn't just for the tech-savvy elite. It's everybody's business. So, next time you see Steve, let him know he's not just crunching numbers, he's also a defender of the company’s digital assets. 

If you are looking for help getting Security Awareness Training in place for your business, contact us today.